Category: Uncategorized

IT Tech Support that Saves the Day

No matter what kind of business you own, you need to worry about data security. This is especially true when handling both employee information and client financial information. If something goes wrong, you’ll need an IT solution as soon as possible. You can solve this by hiring an IT technician for your company. Are IT …


3 Questions To Help You Pick The Right Data Center Colocation Provider

Cloud services are now a critical part of the digital universe. The IDC Worldwide Quarterly Cloud IT tracker showed that vendor revenue from the sale of cloud IT infrastructure grew by 48% year over year in the second quarter of 2018. Forecast reports show that the spending will continue on an upswing to reach $99.9 …

Firewall Preventive Maintenance Checklist

Daily Server Maintenance Checklist

Various factors determine the suitability of a data center supply. A successful data center supply has proper capacity planning and is efficient in terms of space. Consider the collocation of the data center supply. Availability is crucial for a data center supply. When choosing a data center supply, ensure you consider the customer proximity. What …

5 FAQs About How to Recover Lost Files

Everyone has done it. You need space on your hard drive or removable memory stick and delete the wrong files. Maybe you get confused about which versions of a file you are deleting. Maybe you misinterpret the file names. Maybe you think you have backups. But after you delete the files, you realize that you …

Lucrative Skills for Computer Technology Enthusiasts

The field of computer science and technology is much younger than most industries, compared to the likes of logging, construction, or even becoming a pro athlete. But in the last few decades, computer science and technology have proven central to most industries today, and nearly any business (large or small) will need to outsource labor …

Why IT Support Is A Must-Have For Any Marketing Firm

The marketing industry is changing at the speed of light. Even ten years ago, marketing relied on a number of different avenues to spread the word about “this” client or “that” small business. But technology isn’t going anywhere. Here’s why any marketing company should be backed by the best IT support services. The internet is …

bingo machine

5 of the Most Underrated Games Of All Time

People love playing games; they always have and they always will. Whether it’s a group of kids running around the front yard playing some imaginary game or a group of senior citizens playing with bingo machines, games can help people relax, connect with one another, and just have fun. Let’s take a look at some …

internet solutions

Fixed Wireless Vs. Satellite in Rural Areas: Why Your Business May Want To Ditch The Dish

The rural lifestyle appeals to many families and business owners alike. It’s all about fresh air and peace and quiet. But if your work is internet-dependent, you may find that you often feel more frustrated than calm. After all, Americans spend an average of six hours and 21 minutes online each day. Companies that rely …

rental property management software

Are You a Property Manager? Here is How Property Management Software Programs Can Help

Property management involves the oversight and operation of any form of real estate, but most property managers deal with residential properties. It’s difficult to be a successful property manager because you’re responsible for many residents, renters, and sometimes financial institutions. Inevitably, some of those tenants will cause problems, and when you add in all the …

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